Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Life of Autism and Aspergers Syndrome

I am a sensitive creature, one who often thinks outside the box. I perceive the world in different ways. Yet along with that wonder comes a dark side, where no one understands. To be seen as being offensive and cruel at times, when I mean nothing more than a different point of view.

One of the hardest things I deal with is over sensitivity. Imagine this: You are wandering into a noisy room and you can hear everyone's conversations, now times that level of noise to the level of a concert. You began to feel dizzy, your heart begins to pulsate in your chest, the vibrations become too much. Everything around you is attacking you, the noise, the smells, and the movement. Someone is asking you, "Are you okay?" You can't respond, you are over burdened by senses, and your mind seeps itself into survival instinct. Soon you're caught in a swirl of emotions as your heart races. There's no escape from it, and you can't help but shake. You don't understand what is going on, so you begin to feel helpless and weak. The sounds! Oh those sounds, make e'm stop! You scream in your mind because your voice becomes faint from being paralyzed with fear. Thoughts run rampant, what if? what if? And soon your are twisted into a climax of feelings.

Here's a tip to those who have children with Autism and Aspergers : Your raised voice sounds like yelling, your yelling sounds like screaming, and you don't want to know what screaming sounds like.

At lot of times people with Autism will rock or spin in circles. When I was little, the momentum from spinning in a circle reminded me of being hugged, because I could feel a gentle pressure. When I rocked, it reminded me of when my dad would rock me in the rocking chair. Somehow to this day I can recall that feeling even though I am 24.

It is important to note, that people with Autism and Aspergers have sensitive stomachs and often can get sick. For me simple meals is best, too much flavor I get overwhelmed, then I shut down and won't eat the rest of it. Sensory over load I call it. You know how when you keep pushing certain buttons on the computer and then it freezes? Yeah that's what it's like when you get too much noises,smells, tastes, and movements coming at you. Sometimes even touch can be too much.  So if someone has Autism, don't take it personal if they don't want to be hugged, the touch alone can be frightening. At least for me.

Another thing I would like to point about people with Autism and Aspergers syndrome. We have a tendency to be selfish and only think about what we want. Another example (and I have done this) Call my mom multiple times (because I THINK it's emergency and she HAS to know) and tell her I need to go grocery shopping right this instant...even though I could wait a few days. Of course my mom has to say "no not right now" and has to explain why.

People with Autism and Aspergers are not "nosey" they just like to know every detail because they will understand it better. So be aware of this and please do not get offended. It just helps to be specific with one who has Autism and Aspergers, because we think outside the box, and sometimes think too hard.

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