Saturday, February 9, 2013

Reality of where I live

Will be going down to Lansing to talk to legislators about the problems that are occurring in my area. I feel like I should be doing something to help out, even though it's not much. The problem with the area I live in is employers don not like to train people with disabilities, let alone hiring them. I job hopped because of this problem, and the worst  part is, I opened a case with a local organization that "promised" to help with training and job coaching. In the end they closed my case down because I was too "inconsistent to work". So here I am unemployable because of my disabilities and the fact nobody wants to deal with someone like me.

Soooo I'm going down to Lansing and bring it up to the Legislators attention, because everyone else in this town doesn't seem to think there's anything wrong with it. The problem is that my town caters to tourists, not the residents. In fact, instead of paying for low income housing which could benefit the people with very little income, the city is putting in a two million dollar mini water park near the bay, because it'll attract more tourists. They want a landmark. Here's and idea, why didn't you keep the little train that went around the park. It was more unique, but no you took that out for your stupid water park.

So anyway, things need to be addressed and I'm going to do that.

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